Saturday, February 03, 2007

Make List In HTML Programming

In HTML support list too, there are numbered list, unumbered list and definition list.

1. Numbered list.

To make numbered list started width <ol>tag and ended </ol>. Between <ol></ol> you must use <li> to add the new list.The basic like this<ol><li>Your list<li>Your list2</ol>.
You can change type list width TYPE atribut like a,A,i,or I.Example : <ol type="a">

<head><title>My HOBBY</title>
My Hoby is :

2. Unumbered List/Bullet list.

To make a bullet list its same as you make a numbered list, you just change the <ol>tag with <ul>. The value of TYPE attribute is square, circle, and disk.

Example :
<head><title>My HOBBY</title></head>
My Hoby is :
<ul type="square">

3. Definistion list

A definition list (coded as <dl>) usually consists of alternating a definition term (coded as <dt>) and a definition definition (coded as <dd>). Web browsers generally format the definition on a new line.

<head><title>DEFINITION LIST</title></head>
<dd>HTML is Hyperttext Markup Language... bla..bla..bla....
<dd>PHP is Bla..bla..bla..

To be continued