Put image on your site
To put image in a website you must use <IMG SRC="File name">. Remember if your picture not in the same place with your HTML file you must add path before file name in SRC value like this. <IMG SRC="path/image name">.
example :
The attribute in IMG tag are border, alt, width and height, align, vspace and hspace.
Border used to give border around of picture, the value in a pixel.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" BORDER="3">
ALT used to give the alternative text on image.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" ALT="This is My Picture">
Width and Height used to arangge the picture wide and picture hight.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="200">
Align used to arangge aligment of picture. The value is left, right, or center.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" ALIGN="left">
Vspace and Hpace used to give line spacing between picture and text horisontal and vertically.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" HSPACE="3" VSPACE="5">
example :
<HEAD><TITLE>My First Webpage</TITLE></HEAD>
<IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg">
<HEAD><TITLE>My First Webpage</TITLE></HEAD>
<IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg">
The attribute in IMG tag are border, alt, width and height, align, vspace and hspace.
Border used to give border around of picture, the value in a pixel.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" BORDER="3">
ALT used to give the alternative text on image.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" ALT="This is My Picture">
Width and Height used to arangge the picture wide and picture hight.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="200">
Align used to arangge aligment of picture. The value is left, right, or center.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" ALIGN="left">
Vspace and Hpace used to give line spacing between picture and text horisontal and vertically.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" HSPACE="3" VSPACE="5">
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