Make List In HTML Programming
In HTML support list too, there are numbered list, unumbered list and definition list.
1. Numbered list.
To make numbered list started width <ol>tag and ended </ol>. Between <ol></ol> you must use <li> to add the new list.The basic like this<ol><li>Your list<li>Your list2</ol>.
You can change type list width TYPE atribut like a,A,i,or I.Example : <ol type="a">
2. Unumbered List/Bullet list.
To make a bullet list its same as you make a numbered list, you just change the <ol>tag with <ul>. The value of TYPE attribute is square, circle, and disk.
Example :
3. Definistion list
A definition list (coded as <dl>) usually consists of alternating a definition term (coded as <dt>) and a definition definition (coded as <dd>). Web browsers generally format the definition on a new line.
To be continued
In HTML support list too, there are numbered list, unumbered list and definition list.
1. Numbered list.
To make numbered list started width <ol>tag and ended </ol>. Between <ol></ol> you must use <li> to add the new list.The basic like this<ol><li>Your list<li>Your list2</ol>.
You can change type list width TYPE atribut like a,A,i,or I.Example : <ol type="a">
<head><title>My HOBBY</title>
My Hoby is :
<head><title>My HOBBY</title>
My Hoby is :
2. Unumbered List/Bullet list.
To make a bullet list its same as you make a numbered list, you just change the <ol>tag with <ul>. The value of TYPE attribute is square, circle, and disk.
Example :
<head><title>My HOBBY</title></head>
My Hoby is :
<ul type="square">
<head><title>My HOBBY</title></head>
My Hoby is :
<ul type="square">
3. Definistion list
A definition list (coded as <dl>) usually consists of alternating a definition term (coded as <dt>) and a definition definition (coded as <dd>). Web browsers generally format the definition on a new line.
<head><title>DEFINITION LIST</title></head>
<dd>HTML is Hyperttext Markup Language... bla..bla..bla....
<dd>PHP is Bla..bla..bla..
<head><title>DEFINITION LIST</title></head>
<dd>HTML is Hyperttext Markup Language... bla..bla..bla....
<dd>PHP is Bla..bla..bla..
To be continued
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