Thursday, January 25, 2007

Put image on your site

To put image in a website you must use <IMG SRC="File name">. Remember if your picture not in the same place with your HTML file you must add path before file name in SRC value like this. <IMG SRC="path/image name">.
example :
<HEAD><TITLE>My First Webpage</TITLE></HEAD>
<IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg">

The attribute in IMG tag are border, alt, width and height, align, vspace and hspace.
Border used to give border around of picture, the value in a pixel.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" BORDER="3">
ALT used to give the alternative text on image.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" ALT="This is My Picture">
Width and Height used to arangge the picture wide and picture hight.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="200">
Align used to arangge aligment of picture. The value is left, right, or center.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" ALIGN="left">
Vspace and Hpace used to give line spacing between picture and text horisontal and vertically.
example : <IMG SRC="mypicture.jpg" HSPACE="3" VSPACE="5">

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Giving Background on your website

Thereis have two kinds of background, it's background color and background image
To put the background color you must give the attribute BGCOLOR in the BODY tag.
The format like this:
<BODY BGCOLOR="the color">
You can give the value of bgcolor color name like red, blue, black, maroon etc, or using hexadecimal color like ,#000000, #ffccoo, etc.
<HEAD><TITLE>This is My First Webpage</TITLE></HEAD>
This background is blue

To put the background image you can use BACKGROUND atributte on your BODY tag, The format like this
<BODY BACKGROUNF="path and image name">
Remember you must give path where image file your saved. IF you save the image in the same folder with html file you done have give a path.
<HEAD><TITLE>This is My First Webpage</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY BACKGROUND="back.gif">
This is use background image

Basic Tag HTML Programming

HTML started with <HTML> tag and ended with </HTML> tag. Inside <HTML></HTML> tag there are gotten two parts that is a HEAD and the BODY. HEAD started with <HEAD> tag and ended with </HEAD> tag .
The BODY started with <BODY> tag and ended with </BODY> tag.

If we write this code then will be like this :

In inside of HEAD, we can put the TITLE tag to give a title in the website, to make a contents website, we can write in the between of tag <BODY></BODY>.

For example :
<HEAD><TITLE>Let's learn HTML Programming</TITLE></HEAD>
This is my first web its not difficult isn't ?

Save and gived name "myweb.html"
Make sure the extention is .html
Then open this file with IE, click file menu then open. Click browse and open your file... And show the result....

Monday, January 22, 2007

First... You must know HTML Programming

What is HTML ?

"HTML or Hypertext Markup languge is a format that tells a computer how to display a web page. The documents themselves are plain text files (ASCII) with special "tags" or codes that a web browser knows how to interpret and display on your screen."

Why I must learn HTML Pogramming ?

Altought there are many software can make website quickly like Microsoft Frontpage, Dreamweaver but HTML is basic language. We must know this language to be a good web programming. If you have been know this language iam sure u will be easy to developt your web page.

How I can start HTML Language ?

You can write HTML laguage in notepad if you work with windows. just click start menu -- Programm -- Accessories -- Notepad.

Or You can click star menu -- run and write notepad.

To be continued